Art Requirements
Vector based artwork
Adobe Illustrator (*.AI *.PDF)
Adobe Photoshop (*.PSD *.PDF *.EPS)
All Photoshop files must be of high quality and a minimum of 300 DPI
*.JPG *.BMP are NOT acceptable file formats.
Bilbry Ink, along with the customer, wants the highest quality product and unfortunately these types of files do not fit the minimum requirements.
Hand Drawn and Scanned Artwork
If your artwork is hand-drawn or scanned make sure it is of high quality (300 dpi or higher) and scaled to the desired print size.
Please Note: Usually, this type of artwork needs some cleaning up to be acceptable for printing and could be subject to art charges.
Art charges are based on a rate of $50/hr.
Art work for both adult and youth sizing needs to fit on your smallest garment and remain that size as a constant, otherwise it is considered a separate job and will require additional screen fees per color.
Standard print size: 11.0″ x 11.0″ without an upcharge.
Max print size: 13.0″ x 15″
Contact us for information about custom sizes.
If you have any questions about your artwork, please contact us
Call Us Today 609.969.1133